Last Call Emergency Commissions – Get Me Moved!

Time to get me the hell out of this hellhole – the ceiling is collapsing and leaking wastewater, there are mice now, and a flea infestation! I’m being eaten alive, not able to breathe from the mold, and I’m puffy, itchy, allergic…!!! We need to be out by Thursday (Oct 5th). We’ve ordered moving men, but have to make the money to pay for them!

LAST CALL to help get me out of here and into the new apartment, ASAP!

Comics, sequences, inks, streaming art hours, color work, sketches, custom sketchbook filled with whatever you want, busts, con badges, whatever you want – let’s do it! I’m scheduling streaming for next weekend and beyond.

I have VERY limited availability, bigger projects will likely be sold out first (such as comics, sequences, and color work)!!!! and my site is

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